Dreamers Anonymous Manifesto

This Is for All the Misfits, the Outcasts, the Struggling Artists, the Bullied, the Truth Seekers, the Fighters, the Underdogs, the Do-Gooders, the Lonely, the Believers, the Hurt, the Broken-Hearted, the Go-Getters, the Rejects, the Abandoned, the People Who Have Been Told “No” or “You Can’t” All Their Lives, and, Most of All, the Dreamers.


Dreamers Anonymous was brought into existence by a “Dreamer” who, deep down, never felt like he truly fit in. As an immigrant who lost his father in a tragic car accident (involving a train) at the tender age of 9, the course of his life was forever altered. This traumatic experience exposed the fragility of life and ignited a vow to never squander it, in honor of his late father.

Following his father’s passing, his mother remarried, relocating the family to a foreign country where he was a complete stranger to the language, culture, and people. Making friends and fitting in became extraordinarily challenging, and he found himself constantly targeted by bullies among his peers, and even some of his teachers. His struggles with reading and writing skills created numerous obstacles as he navigated the competitive educational system. These language and culture barriers continued to present challenges in his later personal and professional pursuits.

Growing up as a sensitive child, he keenly observed the limiting beliefs in the adults around him. Whenever he mustered the courage to raise concerns that challenged the family dynamics, he was often met with punishment or silenced. Despite not being considered impoverished, money was also a perpetual source of stress in the family. It always felt like there was never enough, and nobody seemed to know how to manage it, even when they were graced with good fortune. This environment stifled the ability of anyone in the family to express their deepest desires or pursue their passions without fear of ridicule, except when conforming to a narrow definition of “success” as defined by friends and relatives.

Nonetheless, he clung to his inner light, unwavering in his belief that he was capable of achieving far more than merely following the paths laid out for him by others. Even in the darkest and loneliest moments, he sought solace in the wisdom of successful mentors and entrepreneurs whose books he devoured. He drew inspiration from movies that ignited his burning desires. He sought camaraderie in organizations and support groups that shared his dreams and offered unwavering support.

Through determination and resilience, he became the first in his family to graduate from a prestigious university. He went on to work with some of the most renowned Fortune 500 and tech companies, including giants like Google and Facebook. He fearlessly pursued his dreams, transitioning into an acting career in New York City and Los Angeles. He ventured into real estate investment, achieving millionaire status in a mere 11 years, even after teetering on the brink of homelessness.

Recalling the hardships and solitude of his journey to pursue his dreams, especially when he lacked support from those around him who failed to believe in his visions, he embarked on the creation of Dreamers Anonymous. Here, “Dreamers” from all corners of the globe can unite and support one another. The platform serves as a repository for the knowledge and resources he has acquired over the years, accessible to anyone in need. This initiative is his way of paying it forward and giving back to the community.

As someone who actively participated in several Twelve Step programs, which were instrumental in his healing process from childhood trauma, he also identified an opportunity to bridge the gap between merely surviving life and truly thriving. The core mission is to inspire and guide the next generation of Dreamers who might not have the support and guidance they need to pursue their ambitions. The aim isn’t solely about accumulating wealth without purpose; instead, it’s about fostering personal responsibility while focusing on creating passive income streams that provide the freedom to lead a more fulfilling life.

So, to all the Dreamers out there, remember that you are not alone. In the darkest of moments, there’s always a glimmer of hope, and that light at the end of the tunnel is real. With this community, he hopes to be that guiding light, leading you out of the darkness and into the life of your dreams.

Warm Regards,

Dreamers Anonymous

“And the Day Came When the Risk to Remain Tight In a Bud Was More Painful Than the Risk It Took to Blossom.” –Anais Nin

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